Store Locator

Our website Store Locator solution allows you to setup a branded, optimized store locator for your brand in minutes. Local pages Elevate your SEO dominance within local markets, amplifying your online visibility, and boosting conversion rates with tailor-made web pages dedicated to each store, outlet, or customer touchpoint.


Optimize Store Locator & Local Pages for your multi-location brand
Store locator & Local Pages

Store Locator

Our website Store Locator solution allows you to setup a branded, optimized store locator for your brand in minutes. Local pages Elevate your SEO dominance within local markets, amplifying your online visibility, and boosting conversion rates with tailor-made web pages dedicated to each store, outlet, or customer touchpoint.


Dedicated website pages for each of your locations

Local Pages

These are dedicated website pages for each of your locations. These local pages seamlessly blend in with the overall aesthetics and design of your website and are built, hosted, and maintained by the team here at Social Places, ensuring a cohesive and consistent user experience.


Store Locator benefits

Store Locator simplifies web pages
Store Locator can improve SEO
Store Locator can enhance customer engagement
We provide flexible content layouts

Local Pages benefits

Local pages can increase visibility for your brand
Local Pages improves brand consistency online
Local Pages product automates page management
Local Pages means effortless dynamic meta tags

Store Locator benefits

Local Pages benefits

Try the Local Pages Experience


What are Local Pages?

Local landing pages, or local pages, are web pages for every business location. They are important for brick and mortar stores with multiple locations or for service-based businesses that want to inform their consumers about the geographical areas they serve.

With Social Places Local Pages, limitless branded web pages can be deployed and you can make real-time updates to local page and website data, in just a matter of minutes. With Social Places Local Pages, you can elevate your localized brand presence, increase conversions, and drive foot traffic.

Why does my business need a local page for each location?

Local landing pages are important for local search optimization and increase the visibility of all your locations. When customers search for your business, they will receive relevant information about the location closest to them.

What are the benefits of having Local Pages?

Utilizing local pages and a locator can improve your local search rankings and visibility, create brand consistency across all locations, and increase lead generation and foot traffic that drives revenue directly to your local business. Convert online visitors into in-store customers by making it easy to find you. Build a strong local search presence by displaying location information and unique details about each store on your website. Promote location-specific content like store events, coupons, and special offers.

What should a well-optimized local landing page include?

A well-optimized local landing page should include:

Clear & Convenient: Display Your Local Presence:

  • Highlight your location hours, including holiday changes and any departmental variations.
  • Feature a prominent map with a “Get Directions” call to action.
  • Make it easy for potential customers to find you!
  • Visually Captivating: Showcase Your Brand & Bestsellers:
    • Use high-quality photos that reflect your brand personality and appeal to your local audience.
    • Spotlight your most popular products or services, tempting local customers to try them out.
  • SEO for Local Leads:
    • Sprinkle relevant keywords throughout your page content, metadata, and tags.
    • This helps you rank higher in local search results, attracting ideal customers looking for what you offer.
  • Engagement Beyond the Click:
    • Go beyond just providing information. Add calls to action that encourage local users to contact you, book appointments, or shop online.
    • Make your landing page a springboard for local engagement and conversions.

How can I customize my local pages to meet my business needs?

Local Pages are your one-stop shop for stunning, responsive websites that adapt to any device and any business. Choose from customizable templates, then personalize them with banners, galleries, products, even social feeds. It’s the perfect fit for your multi-location brand, no matter how unique your needs.