Manage online reputation, reviews and omni-channel CRM at scale

Manage your business reviews & online brand reputation at scale

Social Places Integration Network


60.6% said that the recency of reviews mattered when looking for a business.


89.5% of consumers trust reviews as much as a personal recommendation.


Positive reviews influence people to interact with a business by clicking to visit their website, calling or visiting.

Aggregate Feedback

From Multiple Channels

Brand Reputation

Powered by Mila AI

Brand Reputation
Brand Reputation
Brand Reputation
Brand Reputation

CRM Features

  • Prioritise Urgent Cases
  • Assign Case Owners
  • Internal Notes + Case History
  • Customer Database Management
  • Email + SMS from Dashboard
  • External email + SMS ingestion
  • Status Updates
Brand Reputation

Ai Powered ChatBot

  • Machine learning and Natural Language Processing powered by MILA
  • Multi Channel Chatbot, website, WhatsApp, Twitter, Skype
  • FAQ, custom responses per platform, Store Locator, Receive Reviews, Human Handoff

Get Live Customer Feedback

  • Branded mobile responsive site
  • Custom user journeys & form fields
  • Customised notifications for brands, managers & customers

Showcase your Reviews

  • Choose which platform and review score to showcase
  • Brand or store level reviews
  • Great for SEO
  • Use our API to show customer reviews and testimonials to your website

Feedback Journeys

Create White-labelled customer feedback Journeys. Developed specifically for franchises or multi-location businesses.

Brand Reputation

Brand Listening

Track your brand & competitors from across the web and social channels.

Brand Reputation


  • Reporting at brand and location level
  • Custom Filters and date ranges
  • Schedule reports
  • Pdf and excel download
  • Create drag and drop dashboard views