The Social Places reporting suite has been revamped to offer an improved design & deeper insights and analytics for your brand across all of our product suites. New features across all product suites include comparisons of different date ranges and multi-store or brand filtering – we have also rolled out several new metrics across the different product suites.
Our listing suite reports now offer the below exciting features:
- Top and Bottom 5 store breakdown on brand reports
- # of updates made to listings for the date range selected
- Topline Facebook stats now included
- Branded vs Non-Branded search overview
- Breakdown of ROI
- Clicks to website from Google Maps

Our reputation suite reports now offer the below data:
- Full Omnichannel CRM Reporting (Reviews, Chats & Social Comments)
- Amount of replies, action items, and chats responded to across channels
- Response time breakdowns across channels
- Sentiment breakdown across channels
- Neutral and query sentiments from across the dashboard
- Top and Bottom 5 store breakdown on brand reports
- GoReview opt-in detail
- Live page (all time) review scores

Our social suite reports now offer the below data:
- Overview stats across Facebook & Instagram
- Instagram reach, top posts, total posts and comments
- Top posts on Facebook and Instagram insights broken down by reach and engagement

For more information on our reporting system or product suites please contact your account manager or sales@socialplaces.io
Social Places Team