Brand Listening

Enquire with our sales team how our brand social listening products can be tailored to meet your objectives.

Brand Listening & Mentions Tracking

Social Media

Real-time social mentions, search & analytics. Web and social monitoring services.

Monitor Web and Social Media in Real-Time
Branded hashtag tracking and monitoring tool

Hashtag Tracker

Hashtag tracking tools to monitor branded hashtags performance.

Monitor and Report on Branded Hashtag Performance

Social Media

Real-time social mentions, search & analytics.

Brand Listening & Mentions Tracking

Hashtag Tracker

Hashtag tracking tools to monitor hashtags performance.

Brand Listening & Mentions Tracking

Reporting: Mentions Overview

Reporting dashboard for brand social mentions

Reporting: Mentions Overview

Brand Listening & Mentions Tracking
Get instant alerts on web and social media mentions

Instant Alerts

Get real-time email notifications every time you get mentioned.
Choose positive, negative or important mentions.
Track conversation spikes online and get alerted

Conversation Spikes

Get notified when there is an unusual spike in conversations and mentions online. Join the conversation and stay alert on viral topics.

Instant Alerts

Get real-time email notifications every time you get mentioned.
Choose positive, negative or important mentions.

Conversation Spikes

Get notified when there is an usual spike in conversations above avg, to join the conversation or be notified about viral topics.

Identify Influencers + Top sites

Identify top sites or customers which are mentioning your brand keywords online.

Top Influencers

Identify top influencers for your brand online

Top Sites

Report on the top websites mentioning your brand

Identify Top Mentions

Across Web & Social Media

Identify brand mentions across multiple online sources


Identify customer and follower interactions


Increase brand presence with brand monitoring services


Track articles and branded social sharing


Measure Likes on web and social media across various brands


Track Top Mentions and Monitor Brand Reputation

Identify Top Mentions

Across Web & Social






Brand Listening & Mentions Tracking

Competitor Analysis

Compare mentions, top influencers, top sites and more to identify opportunities.

Visualise brand engagement and report on interactions and reach.

Measure interactions and competitor brand reach
Track and Measure competitor branded keywords and brand presence online